The moonlit field is haunted by the brush
of hunting shadow wings. The field mouse stops --
her heart a frantic rythym in the hush
of grassy murmur, field brook rush, the plop
of water on the rocks -- as wings dip once
then down the sound of owl descending, loud
to ears now straining for the sound of pounce!
that predatory whoosh! that final shout.
Does field-mouse shudder, thick with fear, her bones
astutter as she hears her death descend
from high above? Does owl, the hunter, groan
aloud, anticipating hunger's end?
Or does the field mouse see an angel loom
with love? And owl, a sin he must assume?
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A lovely layout.
I am busy getting some submissions off today but I have bookmarked your site and will be back to spend some time here as I think it will be worthwhile.
I should add that I rather like "sonnet in search of a title" as the title :)
Posted by: Owen | 24 January 2004 at 12:30 PM
Thanks so much for noticing the layout -- your compliment has helped me quit tweaking.
I have posted the sonnet on my website, under the title you suggest. At least for the time being ;)
I hope you do visit again, & find it worthwhile.
Posted by: SB | 25 January 2004 at 10:54 AM