I have been invited to place some of my work at Poet's Corner on the fiera Lingue website, an invitation I am honored to receive. They want a photo, a bio, and a few "poems which can represent the Poet best." One of my poems is already there, amidst other and better Father poems.
I can manage the photo, and the bio, but am at a loss to choose the poems. It seems to me that I don't have a "representative" style. Any nominations?
This site, by the way, is a world to explore. I have been cruising the web so far like a tour-bus tourist: It's Tuesday, this must be The Drunken Boat; hurry! the bus for Low Probability of Racoons leaves in an hour.
I think it may be time to slow down, spend enough time to develop a true appreciation of the landscape, and fiera Lingue is a good place to begin. Rent a villa, stay awhile.
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