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15 May 2004


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The kind words are well deserved, enjoy them.
Thanks for sharing a little bit of yourself with us.


Wow, congrats SB! I've been blogging for two years and no one's ever reviewed my site. But you deserve it, Watermark is wonderful.


Originality pays off (something I need to leard!) Well done


Congratulations. Bet that put you on cloud nine.

Trish Wilson

Congratulations! Can you add a blurb/graphic/link about your Weblog Review rating to your sidebar? You deserve a chance to brag.

Kudos to you.


Bravo!! Congratulations! I love your blog - always have - it's refreshing and fun and nice - you deserve 5 out of 5 any day!


Outstanding, Sharon. Congatulations.


Thank you all!

Trish, what a good idea. Perhaps I could do something like scribblingwoman does, and list "What others say about this blog" on my sidebar. I'll have to see if I can figure out how to do that.

And yes, I am very pleased. The one downside to such favorable reviews, though, is that it provides little guidance for improvement.

Suggestions are always welcome.


I found my way here from a link on Weblog review! I definitely agree with the reviewers, you have a wonderful site, and even better words:)

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