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28 May 2004


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Yeah, these songs are good too, but they're not Led Zeppelin.


Kitties! :D


mjones, excellent point -- FOR LED ZEPPELIN, click the scribblingwoman link!!

Moi ;)

The mouse should be playing a trumpet, not a sax....

Trish Wilson

ooooh you have to see the kitten singing "The Vines." Done by the same guy who did the other kittens.


If it looks a little familiar, it's because the guy who created also did those creepy Quiznos commercials with the singing vermin. The original is also on the same web site:



Hi Trish! -- the woman who introduced me to Friday Cat Blogging!!

Yes, I love "The Vines", too -- but I feared it would be too much of a shock to folks coming here to look at pretty cat pictures . . . heh --

I did link the dancing kitten to rathergood.com in hopes people would look around, and the Viking Kittens are not to be missed, either.

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