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22 June 2004


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Sharon, I would love a GMail invite/account. I have been slow to respond to this. I would like to think it's because of my haughty libertarian disdain for hype, but it's more accurately my disorganization and procrastination. Email me with what is required, and I will fall gently into the loving/crushing arms of the new hotness in email warez.

Carlos Hdz.

Hello in you can send the invitation thanks from mexico

Carlos Hdz.

Carlos Hdz. [email protected]
from Mexico is the same above


I would really like to have one.
can’t wait to use it!!

please send me an invitation

Sadiq Mohammed

Hi It will be very kind of you if you can give me a gmail invitation.
My name is
First name: Sadiq
Last name : Mohammed
E-mail:[email protected]


Hello, my name is Antonio from Málaga, Spain.
I would like to have an account. If you have a extra invitation or receive news invitations please send one if you want.
Thank You.
Mi email is: [email protected]

A link to a gmail invitation. I have no use for it...

Jeremy Cawit

hi, im one of the million pipz on the net, who really want to have a gmail invitation..i would really apreciate if you could send me one... tnx

Sagar Joshi

I am trying for months to get an gmail invitation but no luck :(. so please please send me an invitation

Warm Regards


Dear Sir,

I request you to send me a Gmail Invitation.



hi i am spanish send invitation gmail plese , pleaseeee

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