the rose unfolds
day after day
it opens itself
pale petals gold
heart to the sun
to the bee –
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the rose unfolds
day after day
it opens itself
pale petals gold
heart to the sun
to the bee –
A PoetryEtc poet, Douglas Barbour, has again extended, and deepened, one of my poems, Snapshot 02 June 02004. Douglas' poem stands well on its own, but I have reprinted my piece so you can see what inspired his (posted here with his permission.) The first three stanzas are mine; the rest is Douglas':
a week of grief
and broken thingsbut then the moon
filled out round& this bright
birdsong morning----------------
a forlorn denial now one
week gone the storm
of news & conversation
grief bringsand reminds us that all
broken promises promised
things would get betterbut who said that &
then who can believe
the same old stories even the
moon goes through the motions nowfilled with the usual cunning
out go stars
round that full light& a line of flight makes
this night complicit that
bright day rises tobirdsong as if the
morning were really new
From friend Cindy, 'a nice quote for you from Emerson's journals':
"Society disgusts and the poet resolves to go into retirement & indulge this great heart & feed his thoughts henceforwards with botany & astronomy. Behold, on the instant, his appetites are exasperated: he wants dinners & concerts, scholars & fine women, theatre & club. And life consists in managing adroitly these antagonisms to intensate each other. Life must have continence & abandonment."
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". . . women who practiced it were labelled as evil witches and burned at the stake along with their cats.Indeed, it seems very likely that it was women swishing their brooms in front of cats in order to excite them to dance so they could join them and attain "higher states and magic cures", that led to the absurd notion of witches riding aloft on broomsticks with their cats."
From The History of Feline Dance at Dancing With Cats.
This highly informative site also includes such gems as:
Feline Dance Classes: Do I need to attend dance classes before I try dancing with my cat? How do I find a cat dancing class? What should I look for in a cat dancing tutor?
Pre–Dance Exercises, including the most excellent simple purring technique
Dance Tips from other cat dancers
A Discussion on Music for Cat Dancing
Via pics and titbits
something like that blue
cloud, thunder rolling
through our valley, hail
in the flower beds, or this
lukewarm tea in the Chinese
mug on the brass table --something like this sun
or this gnat on the page,
scents of solomon seal
and cigarette smoke entwining
in the garden, wind rustling
the birches --something like the neighbor's
dog barking at the noisy pickup
and rap music from a radio,
somewhere -- black pavement
gleaming after rain, something
like that -- this solitary life
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the river has receded
but still I am
drowningmy hair has come undone
combs on the river bottom
nosed by sequined fishround and smooth
as a river-stone
I am fallingtrout jump
into the glistening
foaming airI comb my hair out
in the morning
twist it up along the curveof the back of my
among the stonesat the bottom
of the river perhaps
I can holdmy breath long enough
to float
to the top
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