something like that blue
cloud, thunder rolling
through our valley, hail
in the flower beds, or this
lukewarm tea in the Chinese
mug on the brass table --something like this sun
or this gnat on the page,
scents of solomon seal
and cigarette smoke entwining
in the garden, wind rustling
the birches --something like the neighbor's
dog barking at the noisy pickup
and rap music from a radio,
somewhere -- black pavement
gleaming after rain, something
like that -- this solitary life
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I lived alone several years (between marriages) and found that it suited me just fine. Although I'm happier now than I've ever been in my life and in the most loving relationship, I'm sometimes wistful for those solitary days.
Lovely poem. Thank you :))
Posted by: deb | 09 June 2004 at 03:46 PM
Posted by: jenett | 10 June 2004 at 09:12 AM
It's so nice and so much nicer hearing it read. :)
Posted by: Mitch | 13 June 2004 at 12:33 PM