A few entertaining links for the weekend:
First, My Brilliant Career, found at Cuttlefish, which I found at Mike Snider's Formal Blog and Sonnetarium. Just a sample:
I'm particularly poor at noticing famous people (I'm busy wrestling with my own 'inner famous person'). The evening was spent out in Chorlton with various artistic, creative types at varying stages of their own development (the tutor, the ex-student, the current student, the future student etc.) I seem particularly ill-served at being there in that 'what I have done' is usually nothing whatsoever to do with the literary life. The Manchester art degree shows this week are a highpoint of the year, but another load of artists... what . . . will they all do? . . . Oh how prosaic is the muse!
View your site backwards, via Exclamation Mark. Why view your site backwards? No reason that I can think of. (But I did it.)
Chinese Symbols, via The PreSurfer. This one is water.
And a wonder-full, fascinating way to spend a half-hour or so: 99 Rooms (via as i live the questions.) If you don't have flash, this is the reason to install it; if you have it disabled, this is the reason to enable it. Also, BUBBLESOAP, which I found long ago; I don't remember where.
And just a note, I've updated the MONTANA BLOGGERS Kinja Digest -- I think we are all in there now, and in the MONTANA BLOGGERS section of my Links blog. If I've left anyone out, please let me know.