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09 July 2004


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What can I say but "outstanding"



I am a 5 1/2 year old domestic shorthair. I love your site. I think the picture of the cat typing about the mouse is wonderful! So funny! I am also a blogging cat. My blog site is called Beau's Blog. I hope you will check it out and say hello sometime. Here is the link: http://home.earthlink.net/~catbeau. Mom said if you want she will put a link on our sight to your (and maybe you could put a link on your site to ours). Just let us know! Blessings! Beau

I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you

I am writing my kitty memoirs at mylifeasaspy.blogspot.com. I promise that they will be filled with adventure and intrigue.


We have a cat section on our blog called El Gato Del Dia. We don't quite put up one a day but there are some goodies on there.


Cat section: http://423smith.com/index.php/category/el-gato-del-dia/


How can you like these lazy, ungrateful, unhygienic, selfish macroparasites? Please don't even bother comparing them to dogs.

Tuff Kitty

"...macroparasites???" You will never get 10 cats to pull a sled in a snowstorm.

~Tuff Kitty

Blog: The Litter Box Diaries


Hi I am a cat from the future. Check out my site at www.nekoface.com MEOW.


Recuerdo aun el dia que te encontre, no eras muy agraciado pero algo en ti me cautivo. al transcurso de los dias te fuiste ganando mi carino , y ya recorrias gran parte de la casa , con tus travesuras y ocurrencias me recibias cada tarde. y yo te iba queriendo cada vez mas , quizas me di cuenta y no quise aceptar de lo muy especial que eras para mi, tus ronroneos, juegos y besos.

nunca olvidare las veces que te escabullias dentro de las sabanas para atacarnos jugando y luego haciendote carino dormias en mi pecho. hay tantas cosas que recordar, tus paseos al jardin, la emocion de vigilar a traves de tu ventana; esa ventana que aun esta esperandote en el silencio de la casa. No se la verdad cuando llegue a amarte pero formaste parte muy importante de mi.

Cuando enfermaste y te cuide , vi en tus ojos un inmenso amor que nunca encontre en otro noble ser, fuiste como un hijo para mi, tu biberon, tus mediecitas , tus juguetes solayan mi corazon . aun no puedo comprender este dolor, tu ausencia y este vacio que me ahoga en lo mas profundo.

tratare siempre de recordarte de la manera feliz, de tu infancia dichosa , tus travesuras y carinos , todas tus fotos dejaran impresa tu bella figura, tus poses y coqueterias. pero aun asi con tu recuerdo no me conformo, te extrano tanto , que nunca imagine llegar a perderte.

no creo que el tiempo se lleve tu recuerdo, mas bien tratare de llevarte en mi para que no se olvide tu existencia. la vida es tan fragil y breve, y tu me ensenaste tanto, te amo por eso. estuviste casi 2 maravillosos anos conmigo , despues de tu enfermedad luchamos juntos, lloramos juntos , sufrimos juntos, nunca perdi la esperanza y creo que tu tampoco, al final por lo menos te despediste de papi.

te amare por siempre , y estaras en mi memoria porque fuiste mas que un gato. y estare aguardando a ver si te vuelvo a encontrar , quizas con otro nombre u otra cara, pero siendo el mismo michu de antes. porque para mi fuiste mucho mas que un gato.

te ama

tu mami


A poor, computer-done translation to English, that still captures, I think, some of the magic of the above comment:

Babel Fish Translation

In English:

Memory even the day that you encontre, eras very attractive but something in you I do not captivate to me.

to the course of the days you were gaining my carino, and already recorrias great part of the house, with your pranks and occurrences me recibias each late. and I was wanting every time to you but, quizas I realized and I did not want to accept of the very special thing that eras for my, your drones, games and kisses.

it will never forget the times that you escabullias within savannahs to attack to us playing and soon haciendote carino dormias in my chest are so many things that to remember, your strolls to the garden, the emotion to watch to traves of your window; that window that even this esperandote in the silence of the house.

The truth when it arrives at amarte but you did not comprise very important of my. When you became ill and it takes care of to you, I saw in your eyes an immense love that never encontre in another nobleman to be, you were like a son for my, your baby's bottle, your mediecitas, your toys solayan my heart.

I cannot even include/understand this pain, your absence and this vacio that drowns to me in but the deep thing. it will always deal with recordarte of the happy way, of your happy childhood, your pranks and carinos, all your photos left printed your beautiful figure, your poses and coqueterias. but asi with your memory I am not even satisfied, extrano you as much, that it never imagines to arrive at perderte.

I do not believe that the time your memory takes, but will deal with llevarte well in my so that your existence does not forget. the life is so fragil and brief, and your you embosomed so much to me, I love you by that you were almost 2 wonderful anuses with me, despues of your disease we fought together, we cried together, we suffered together, never perdi the hope and I believe that your either, in the end at least you did not take leave of papi. it lands on water to you by always, and estaras in my memory because you were but that a cat. and estare waiting to see if I return to find you, quizas with another name or another face, but being same michu of before because for my you were much but who a cat.

it loves to you

your mami

Blondie Writes

The kitty pictures are so adorable.


The cat (Felis catus), also known as the domestic cat or house cat to distinguish it from other felines, is a small predatory carnivorous species of crepuscular mammal that is valued by humans for its companionship and its ability to hunt vermin, snakes and scorpions. It has been associated with humans for at least 9,500 years.

A skilled predator, the cat is known to hunt over 1,000 species for food. It can be trained to obey simple commands. Individual cats have also been known to learn on their own to manipulate simple mechanisms, such as doorknobs. Cats use a variety of vocalizations and types of body language for communication, including meowing, purring, hissing, growling, squeaking, chirping, clicking, and grunting.Cats may be the most popular pet in the world, with over 600 million in homes all over the world.They are also bred and shown as registered pedigree pets. This hobby is known as the "cat fancy".

Guaranteed ROI


The cat (Felis catus), also known as the domestic cat or house cat to distinguish it from other felines, is a small predatory carnivorous species of crepuscular mammal that is valued by humans for its companionship and its ability to hunt vermin, snakes and scorpions. It has been associated with humans for at least 9,500 years.

A skilled predator, the cat is known to hunt over 1,000 species for food. It can be trained to obey simple commands. Individual cats have also been known to learn on their own to manipulate simple mechanisms, such as doorknobs. Cats use a variety of vocalizations and types of body language for communication, including meowing, purring, hissing, growling, squeaking, chirping, clicking, and grunting.Cats may be the most popular pet in the world, with over 600 million in homes all over the world.They are also bred and shown as registered pedigree pets. This hobby is known as the "cat fancy".

Guaranteed ROI


Love the kitty pics..I enjoyed the reading..lol.Thanks:)


To see some funny cats go to:


something great i haven't seen


I loved your article it has great information. I think you and your readers might be interested in another article I found, about pets and dry eyes.

Natasha Finkel

My cat has a blog too. Please check it out. She's a budding supermodel in the pussycat world: http://natashafinkel.blogspot.cm
She also has a highly successful fan page on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Natasha-Finkel/226733828610?ref=nf

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