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20 August 2004


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What a great tribute to Cats!

I lost my cat last year - a year ago this month...he was 11 years old and I had him since he was a kitten - even now if I turn my head suddenly sometimes I can get a glimpse of him sitting in the places he loved to sit most.


Not much of cat person, but i dug the lyrics to "Honky Cat" - thanks for the link.


now, was this the cat who crawled up the chimney and got stuck? or was he the one who stayed in a drawer for days without letting you know he was in there?

just curious....


Um mm, well, it wasn't exactly a drawer, but yes -- that one.

This is also the cat that, every place we lived (and there were many) had a neighbor who supplied him with sardines and cream.

"Where's Honky?" "Oh, visiting the neighbors."


Honky looks like my Gus.

Marc Gunn & The Dubliners' Tabby Cats

I had to mention my new site I'm working on. It's called Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers. I hope to finish it in October 2005, but right now I have a few cat mp3s you can listen to and download for free.

Most cat lovers who've heard it love it. Hope you do too.

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