From Eeksy-Peeksy:
The Cat's Ass
The fat cat sat on the edge of the keyboard tonight and typed this:
zzzzzyyyzyzyzyz AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1
and managed to exchange the y and z keys. I don't know how. You type y and get z. You type z and get y.
Luckily, I had just finished my monograph on syzygy.
From Catnip & Catnaps:
Your Cat's Guide to Your Computer
. . . Forget the sewing basket with the spools of thread. Forget the laundry hamper with shreddable panty hose. Computers are much more attractive. . . Not surprisingly, a good portion of the Information Superhighway is devoted to cats, their worship, their maladies, their whims, their wit, and even (how could we forget?) their intelligence. . .
From Leslie's Omnibus:

A Website For Cats!
How It Works:
1) Pick one of our 6 critters, (bird, bee, butterfly, bat, groundhog, or red buggy.) and click on it.
When the program is finished loading, your critter will move randomly around the screen.
Your kitty will love the moving critter and be a good kitty for the rest of his life.
If you really want to deny your cat the joy of computers, you might try Cat-Proofing Computers.
And let's not forget the the Carnival of the Cats, which will be hosted here this week. Here is the Carnival of the Cats FAQ, answers to all your questions. Send the URL of your entry to me at blogdiva (at) gmail.com, by 5 PM Mountain Time (1700) Sunday, August 29th, and I will have the Carnival up by 6 PM that day.
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