It is a blue-and-green day.
While I sleep, meteors fall.
My life replays in dreams.The phone is dead, an open line
that registers as busy-busy-busy.
The yellowjacket nest beneaththe porch buzzes-buzzes-buzzes.
Watch your step. It is a blue-
and-green day. Blue sky. Blueclematis. Blue delphinium.
Green everywhere. It is Fair Week.
Fireworks before the meteorshowers. I sleep through it. My life
replays in dreams. It is a blue-
and-green day. Eighty-five dollarsfor telephone repair. Eighty-
five dollars. This is a month
of medicines. Meteors fallwhile I sleep. It is a blue-and-
green day. While I sleep, meteors
fall. My life replays in dreams.
I love this one!
Posted by: yukino | 11 August 2004 at 08:31 PM
Hold on or let go...which one's easier? Which one makes the pain subside? Your eyes will rest someday.
Posted by: Neha | 12 August 2004 at 08:54 AM
Oh this pretty good, the poem(oh course) and I too wrote a poem for Aug 11. Except I'm not done with mine yet. Going work on it next.
Posted by: Cathy | 12 August 2004 at 07:07 PM