What She Said is a fairly new blog that answers the question: Where are all the female bloggers? WSS features extensive interviews with women bloggers, and a very long blogroll of Progressive Women who Blog Politics "at least part time." The blog is beautifully designed, the interviews are thoughtful, and the blogroll is a delight.
So why am I talking about this in a post on Blogoshphere Quirks?
Because Watermark is on that blogroll.
Perhaps it's a mistake. I am a progressive woman who blogs, but very rarely about politics (I may not be able to continue resisting the urge to do so, though.) I wanted to be on that blogroll; I wished I could be on that blogroll; and there I am!
The Truth Laid Bear Ecosystem has been very confused lately about my evolutionary status. For some time, I've been a Marauding Marsupial (and actually, I still am), but for awhile there it was telling me I had suddenly dropped from 85 inbound unique links to seven, and had devolved to Flappy Bird status.
Now, for several days, TLB has been convinced that I am a Large Mammal, despite thinking I have only seven inbound links (Technorati thinks I have 214 Links from 104 Sources.) Watermark's current ranking at TLB is #259, and for the first time, I am actually receiving hits from there.
Surprisingly Painful
Now, this one is silly, and I know it -- but I was so taken by surprise, and wonder if others have had similar experiences and how you have dealt with them.
I left a comment on someone's blog, thinking to be amusing. The blogger responded with something like I'm tired of people making pointless comments; if you don't have something helpful to offer, don't say anything. Now, the blogger certainly has the right to respond however s/he likes; the surprise to me was that it hurts!
When I started blogging, I had a heart-to-heart talk with myself about not taking things personally; remembering that online is different from real life; etc. etc. And thus far, I've had little reason to remind myself of these platitudes.
I do not intend to respond to this person -- I don't think this is their problem; it's mine -- but I am curious if others are as thin-skinned as I am (at least, I am today.) Any words of wisdom?
Thanks for the nifty link to What She Said.
That blogger needs to pull the stick out -- s/he is obviously missing the point of blogging, which is discourse, IMHO. One person's pointless comment is another's intellectual treasure.
And, yes, I am sometimes thin-skinned, but I am getting over it. Don't let the bass-turds get you down!
Posted by: Patia | 30 September 2004 at 06:19 PM
OK, that was just plain rude. You know what our mothers said: "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all." Post away on my blog, I LOVE pointless comments! :>)
Posted by: Loretta | 30 September 2004 at 07:10 PM
i'm with the comments above, that's a mean thing to do. first time i've read your blog, from a comment you posted on another blog. nice blog!
Posted by: bushra | 01 October 2004 at 02:04 AM
Thank you, all. I'm recovered now.
Posted by: SB | 01 October 2004 at 09:13 AM
Well, since you've recovered I guess I don't need to say anything, but here goes, even though it might be "pointless": since I have known you (in the digital sense) I have always found you a model of on-line tact and kindness. If someone didn't like one of your comments s/he is either the most humourless person on the planet, or having an extremely bad day. I hope it was the latter because at least s/he might get over it.
Posted by: mjones | 04 October 2004 at 09:21 PM
Thank you so much. Now I am more recovered than I was.
Posted by: SB | 05 October 2004 at 10:52 AM