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02 September 2004


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Ramblings, hell - these are good, strong notes. Discordant, of course. But there's still plenty of music in discord - just ask any fan of 20th century clasical music (like me).


Nothing wrong with rambling, I do it all the time. so welcome to the club :)

Nelson Viveros

Hi! I'm Nelson from Paraguay - South America. I'm a huge J.D. Salinger's fan and was pleased to find his Catcher in the Rye in your banned list. Why are them called banned? I knew about how they burned copies of this book having heard stories about it, I also can see why they would ban books like Lord of the flies, and Brave New World which are a couple of ones in your list that I've also read and liked, but how were they banned or is it just that they are difficult to get or what?
Anyway, I would thank you a lot if you could give me one of the gmail invites if you have any left, thanks.

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