If one spends time on the web, or watches television, it's easy to forget that many (perhaps even most) Americans did not watch the debate, and aren't particularly interested. I'm not going to review it; I'll leave that to those with more credentials.
But my take, for what it's worth: Senator Kerry seemed surprisingly presidential (and thankfully not orange.) It looks to me like something is seriously wrong with President Bush.
The President often seemed not just inarticulate, but easily confused, easily distracted, and emotionally reactive. Then, he would "clear", and be focused, strong, and have a quick grasp of the facts. Suddenly confused again, he seemed to reach for his 'talking points' like a man who is drowning.
Many years ago, toward the end of the Reagan presidency, there were lots of 'jokes' about Alzheimers. None but the most paranoid among us took these seriously, though they were not baseless. Watching President Bush tonight brought those years back to me.
I saw Ann Richards state that Bush had trounced her in a governor's debate. The man I saw tonight could not escape a social encounter with Ann Richards unharmed.
I am beginning to feel paranoid.
{Oh, and by-the-way, to you media types out there: that split-screen trick of bringing the President's podium up a few inches so their heads would be at the same level was just plain silly.}