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19 September 2004


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I'm just making the rounds to announce my redesigned website (http://www.patiastephens.com) and new RSS feed (http://www.patiastephens.com/atom.xml). Please update your blogroll and come visit!

I'd just like to add that my site redesign was inspired in part by the clean, serene feel of your site, as well as your use of Flickr. :-)


dear Sharon, thanks for your praise and for the
links to my site. I'll tell you about the mouse.
it's an "oncomouse". This is a breed of mouse
that has been genetically engineered to get
cancer very often. Naturally, they are used
for cancer research. The genetic code is patented
by DuPont and is the source of http://www.the-scientist.com/yr2004/jul/prof_040719.html>much
controversy. I use the image on my home page
not because I object to genetic engineering or to
experiments with animals but because I object to
the notion of owning a genetic sequence or lineage
of creatures. The mouse looks curious to me, like
it is exploring. The mouse represents
me (or all of us) of course and so it is both subject
and object of life, the grand experiment.


Wow. I'll feel much differently when I look at that mouse now.

I always pictured it in your shirt pocket.

Do you have to pay to use the images? They're very beautiful.


Scott has made these available under a Creative Commons License -- click through to his site, find the CC logo and click that to see what his conditions are for using the images.

I did get his permission before using them (I sent my site URL so he could see it, but I don't know that he checked) -- and before using his mouse for the link to his site.

Basically, I think these are available for nonprofit use, with attribution. Be sure to click the "image index" on my post -- there are so many, so beautiful, and lots in brilliant color, which I adore but are not appropriate for my black & white Watermark.


Nice pag really a nice one lol i like de pics
i'd like to send you guys some of my work cuz i think my pics of lanscapes are pretty cool (at lest people say it)

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