This is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I do think this is important, though I feel a bit hypocritical mentioning this since my own mammogram is, um, a bit overdue.
Also, I want to direct you to an excellent post at Echidne of the Snakes, who says, among much else:
"Yes, breast cancer is a serious and frightening disease. But it's not the most serious disease that women face. In 2001, twelve women died of heart disease for each woman who died of breast cancer. In the same year, three women died of cancers of lung, bronchus or trachea for every two women who died of breast cancer.
"In fact, the number of women who died of influenza and pneumonia was three fourths as high as the number who died of breast cancer. Only fifteen percent of all cancer deaths among women were from breast cancer, eighty-five percent died from other types of cancers. Yet we don't see the same sort of media news or campaigns about lung cancer, for example, though more women are dying from it every year."
Interesting, isn't it? These other diseases, not so tied our femininity, would not inspire so much pinkness. Not that I strongly object to pink, and, like other groups that have claimed labels imposed on them by others, women are doing the same with groups like Code Pink|Women for Peace.
Still, I was happy to find this non-pink gif at me and the cat. Lorraine sent me on to Millan.Net, which has quite a selection of gifs to choose from.
It can't hurt to be reminded that Liberty is a woman.
Breast cancer symptoms are not easily obvious in the early
stages. A mammography is a tool that aids in diagnosing breast cancer.
Read about inflammatory breast cancer too.
Posted by: lisha | 18 December 2004 at 12:01 AM
For more information about cancer, you may want to look at this site:
They provide some useful information and articles about cancer.
Posted by: Skyler | 20 February 2005 at 10:53 AM
An introduction to the breast cancer section, this article sums up the essence of the content that will be
explained at length in the course of the articles.
Posted by: Lisha | 15 March 2005 at 05:46 AM
An introduction to the breast cancer section, this article sums up the essence of the content that will be
explained at length in the course of the articles.
Posted by: Lisha | 17 March 2005 at 01:15 AM