Christian Crumlish at Radio Free Blogistan has written a post in response to Blogging Politics. He has several interesting things to say -- go read it -- but what I really want to share with my readers is this:
The comment thread at Brogan's Watermark entry is well worth reading to gather a range of insightful views. Any blogger would envy sbpoet for her intelligent, thoughtful readers.
This is so true!
He's SO right - we ARE thoughtful and intelligent!!! :-)
Seriously though - indeed your blog does attract a nice element.
Posted by: Monkey | 20 October 2004 at 04:38 PM
Monkey said - indeed your blog does attract a nice element.
and even if we're not - we try to behave!
Love your blog,
Posted by: Karen | 21 October 2004 at 10:37 AM