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28 October 2004


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Laurence Simon

I come here for the poetry.

Well, that and the cats.


CONGRATULATIONS! Pretty cool to read about a fellow blogger in the New York Times! I loved it!


hey that's cool


You never know what's going to catch the attention of the New York Times, do you? Well, good on you -- I hope people come for the cats and stay for the poetry and the commentary.


Yes, I thought I was in a bit of a time warp when I read "three months." Ah, your blog is so enjoyable, three months felt like over half a year...If I could only find a way to really stretch time that way.


Wow, I'm impressed! Congrats.

I may have to get with the program and begin Friday cat-blogging again.


Nice article, but it continues to irritate me how the mainstream media, once having framed blogs and bloggers as primarily political, seems unable to perceive the true diversity of the blogosphere. I hope that folks clicking in from the NY Times will take this opportunity to find out what a good literary/personal/smorgasborg blog looks like!


Sharon, that's amazing. Congratulations.

Daniel Terdiman

Hi, this is Daniel Terdiman, the author of the Times story on catblogging.

I'd like to apologize to Sharon for the error on how long she'd been blogging. I had misunderstood something Sharon said, and wrote down three months in my nostes.If the story was in Wired News, we could just fix it. The Times, of course, is a different matter, since we're talking about a newspaper that happens to have an online component.

To Dave, however, I'd like to point out that the story, while it did put a good deal of focus on political blogs, also cited NASA's blog, Spocko's Brain, this one, and Dr. Shalizi's scientific blog, not to mention Carnival of the Cats. The focus on politics had more to do with Kevin Drum's great quote about Atrios and Instapundit being a terrific way to frame the way catblogging is a great way to relieve stress from heavy blogging.

Laurence Simon

As long as the URLs are right, I figure the rest works out in the end. ;)


Hi everyone,

This has all been very exciting, and tiring. I have a backlog of email to respond to, as well as all these kind comments, and mentions in other blogs.

Perhaps we might persuade Daniel to do an article on po-blogs? The poetry world, after all, can be just as vitriolic as the political world . . .

I wish visitors from the Times were exploring a bit, but a look at my stats tells me that few are. Still, as Daniel says in his blog "I've been in Time many times, but I've only been in the Times one time."


A little late to the party as usual, but congrats! :D

Richard Silverstein

I hope you won't take this the wrong way but...I thought the article was the lightest piece of puffery I've read in a newspaper in a long time. Friday Cat Blogging is a social phenomenon worthy of inclusion in the pages of the NYT?? Don't get me wrong, I like cats, I like pets, I'm glad y'all are featuring your cats in your blogs. But why does that deserve notice in the national newspaper of record?

There are so many important aspects to the blog phenomenon which I wish the Times WOULD cover. COvering this seems a waste of space (God am I going to get clobbered for this!).


(God am I going to get clobbered for this!)

Not by me, you're not. I do cat-blogging because it IS fluff (and of course, I like cats) -- not because I expected this kind of attention. I would much prefer attention for my poems, and I agree that there are many more important aspects of blogging that could be written about.

I'm hoping they will be. I'm hoping I won't be left out when they are, because I've now been identified as a "Cat Blogger" -- the worst kind there is, in some views.


Congratulations ~smile~ Along with everyone else, of course I agree that it would have been wonderful if the attention had been on your poetry. But sadly lightweight and emphemeral is the flavour of modern communication. Personally, I am not convinced that this is a 'public choice', but more likely a result of 'public education' by the media. My own poetry and art gets very few visitors, although maybe it doesn't deserve more. The nice thing is that when someone does take a look and perhaps even leaves a comment on my work, I get a real buzz and sense of excitement.

Yours is one of my most favourite blogs. Poetry and cats. Fluff and seriousness. Just like life ~smile~


I may be late to the party on this news Sharon, but I think it's great that you got noticed for the cat blogging. Maybe it's fluff, but at least it's positive; not everything we read in the Times has to be about death, destruction or political partisanship, does it?

Besides, it's bound to bring in more people who will appreciate the various aspects of your online offerings. Congrats!


Friday Catblogging, eh? New to me, proof that clearly I haven't been paying enough attention to the part of the blogosphere that *isn't* talking about religion. *g*

Now if only I could get my hands on a digital camera; clearly my fuzzball is destined for bloggy stardom... :-)

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