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12 November 2004


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Who cares? It's a mosque. They're used by our enemy as places of operations. Don't be foolish. The article you linked to was BS. It has nothing to do with, "My god is bigger than your god." as the article stated.

Just how far removed from reality are you?

Kate S.

This is why I close the comments after a week. To keep out the vampires, ghouls, rats and spammers.


Kate S. said, "This is why I close the comments after a week. To keep out the vampires, ghouls, rats and spammers."

Perhaps the real reason is because you don't have an argument.

luis duran

On your posting of desecration, I just have one question for you. If your infantry platoon was taking small arms fire & RPG directly from inside this supposed place of worship, Would you concider returning fire or perhaps you should just allow your soldiers to be cut to pieces? I know of one brave Lieutenent who drove his M-1 tank in between the firefight & lost his life in doing this. A sniper from inside the mosque killed him. Please, think before you answer.

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