This new moon night
the city is too bright
for all but a few stars.On the river path, I find
a dead pigeon. I leave it
for scavengers. The nextmorning there is nothing
but feathers and kernels
of corn. Now the skyhangs low and thick;
pinkish with the city's
reflection. This windspeaks, it tells me
there is snow
in the mountainsbut the glaciers melt.
Across the street
a light burns in an emptyroom. I feel like this
sometimes, an old house
cut into apartments, roomsfilled with transient belongings,
and here and there
a vacancy, bare bulb lightingan abandoned space.
I wake each morning
from old dreams of pastplaces, relocate myself
to here, now. The air shifts
each day, another day.
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I feel this - the strakness of the winter months setting in. Nice.
Posted by: jane | 18 November 2004 at 08:59 AM