Has anyone else been getting innocuous but irrelevant comments on their posts, from folks with dead URL's? I hesitate to delete something as simple as just wanted to say hi but there are enough of them that I suspect I'm being set up for something.
I want to thank those of you who are clicking on the Vote for Watermark links on the sidebar -- these sites do brings me hits, and maybe -- hopefully -- readers. Might some of you be willing to scroll down further, and do one of the Rate Watermark links?
I've updated the Aortal and Insignificant Microbe links -- two new blogs for you to explore.
Sometime this week my stat counter will count its 20,000th visit. Wow.
I have taken down the Political Humor Poll; final tally: 67% thought both sites were funny; 8% thought only one site was funny; and 25% wondered what is wrong with me. Total votes = 12. I'm contemplating a poll on whether I should have polls.
The IT Kitchen is still up and active, with lots of good thinking for those interested in weblogging.
I've given up and put a NO slash through my NaNoWriMo icon. Maybe next year . . .
Anyone familiar with clevercactus ? It's a slick-looking p2p service (maybe they are all slick-looking; I've never looked at one before.) Since I have never managed to get my home network up, and neither was the computer geek I hired to do it, I'm wondering if I could use this to use/ move files between my own computers? Are there downsides to this?
And finally, I got one of those phishing emails yesterday that pretended to be from PayPal. Sam tells me it's a worm that effects only IE users, which is not me. And the rest of you no longer have any excuse: Firefox 1.0 is now available! It is so much better than IE. Go get it!
That clevercactus page says "Browse and access files between your different computers." I'm sure you saw that and since it's free for individuals, it might be worth a try (it says it's "private and secure" -- hopefully, that's true).
Posted by: jenett | 10 November 2004 at 07:02 PM
I'm afraid that my NaNoWriMo project that was never started will be added to the heap too...
Yes SB, thanks for selling me on Firefox - it's "mahvelous"!
I have been getting phishy e-mails from spoof e-bay, citibank & wells fargo. They seem like they're really acting up lately...
Posted by: Karen | 10 November 2004 at 09:32 PM
I get those innocent comments too but always delete them because it wastes people's time to click on the websites/ads even if they *are* dead links! Very annoying, yes.
Posted by: Heather | 11 November 2004 at 03:51 AM
Grrrrrrrr...I hate those comments, too - and I just don't understand the point. Non-existent domains? WTH?
Posted by: david | 11 November 2004 at 11:00 AM
I went back to delete those comments, and TypePad had already done it. I love TypePad.
Posted by: SB | 11 November 2004 at 12:41 PM
Thanks for the link! I was wondering if anyone actually read what I wrote! haha, anyway I just do it to keep track of all the weird and wonderful thoughts. Aiming more for quality than quantity though, so have much problems churning out material regularly.
Author of Writer's Block
Posted by: Karpace | 13 November 2004 at 04:10 AM