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18 January 2005


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No need apologize. I get that way too.


No need to apologize to me - I know exactly how this feels and what you're going through - I have days I want "blog free" - where I don't read 'em, don't write 'em, no blogging at all!
You blog when you can my friend and when you feel up to it - we're always here for you when you come back.


Good to have you back!
But, it seemed like your blog spirit never left!


No need to apologize to me - I know exactly how this feels and what you're going through - I have days I want "blog free" - where I don't read 'em, don't write 'em, no blogging at all!
You blog when you can my friend and when you feel up to it - we're always here for you when you come back.


And then there's days I post TWO comments accidently.
I'm sorry.


Good to have you back!
But, it seemed like your blog spirit never left!


I have only recently discovered (and liked) your blog and was wondering have you gone. Sometime back, I mentioned you in my blog as well. Hope to read more here.


Yes indeed... we've all been there, so no need for apologies. 'Sides - we love ya dontchaknow.


Schedules?! I'm just glad to be able to read you & know that you're okay. I'm half a hermit - but can't always figure out which half.

Kate S.

I thought this was called hibernation? It's winter! We don't need no stinkin' apologies!

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