but her email and other site are deceased
so I hope she will forgive me
Welcome to this edition of the fashionable, famous, Carnival of the Cats, a collection of the fluffy, the fantastic, and the fabulous!
BJ sends us Iraqi Catblogging from Baghdad Girl, who is 13 years old and posts many many pictures of cats. Baghdad Girl is Raghda Zaid. She gets top billing this week.
Steve sends More Adoptable Cats, and tells us . . . so far all but 1 of the cats featured in the Cat Blog have been adopted. Some of the cats had been in the shelter for over a month! We appreciate the positive vibes. He also sends A Cat In Plaid.
Barry sends The Peaceable Kingdom, in which two of our animals practice mutual non- aggression and peaceful coexistence while working together to achieve shared goals, i.e. napping in my spot on the bed.
From Dwight we have Hey, That's My Pillow, in which two cats prove that I'm the low man in the house.
Steve sympathizes with Miss Matata and Hakuna, in Tough Life, Innit?
Jazz sends Friday Morning Cat Blogging, in which we find Pepe being interrupted as he watches "Bird TV."
From Ady we have Friday Cat Blogging, in which Asia shows the best attitude to take when deadlines are looming.
Lab Kat sends Friday Cat Blogging, with Pixel, Pica, and Coby.
From tommy we have Oh Yeah, I'm an Observant Predator... in which kitty, umm, observes . . .
Joe's kitties say 'hey', in which MoJo and MiMi send their greetings.
nycbabylon's MJ Cat just earned his PhD in Cultural Studies from Trinity Online University -- so go ahead, Ask MJ.
Leslie sends Bus Fumes, in which I am a little screed about being sick and the surprising thing I found out in the process. [imagine a cat that weighs 15-pounds to start with . . .]
From Matt we have Chloe is Warm, in which Daphne learns to steal body heat.
thom sends Friday Cat Blogging, in which Simon and Merlin (a really amazing pair!) wait for their supper.
Dianne sends Oh, my aging back, in which too many cats to count have a variety of adventures.
From Jeff, we have Friday Cat Blogging, with Thalia and Jacqueline and Dennis the Menace!

At Bibi's box, we have Friday Cat Blogging 2, with Clarence, caught red-pawed, and adorable Bismark. She also sends Purr-fect Yoga; Cats & Kittens; Cat Cards; and Friday Cat Blogging. [I think Bibi just found us, and is trying to catch up.]
Matt sends More Catblogging, in which Betsy saves herself from the stew pot.
oldwhitelady didn't exactly send, but I added it anyway, look how small and guess who?
From Kimberly, who is taking a break this week from the "body parts" series for a little catnip and cat fur humor, we have, ummm, Herb; Cat Hair; and Sasha's Good Morning Song.
From Deb, sweet Sugar, who recently had a health scare, but is all better now.
Ogre sends Furry Siamese, a three-legged mutt (who obviously has a human who loves him.)
Laurence sends King Frisky, who is being unforgiving.
From Jan, we have Flannel Grrl, starring Pepper.
Bruce sends Looking Smart, in which Ferdinand T. Cat feigns politeness.
From maggie, we have what's the password? in which dog appeals to cat.
Sissy sends When the snow lay round about; Bloggin' in a winter wonderland; and Give me land, lots of land, in which kitties use snow to show themselves to best effect.
Jack sends This is what I wish I could be doing today, in which Boo does it.
From Mira we have kitty pics, and friday cat poetry blogging, in which Mira pleases this Carnival presenter very much.
Mog sends Friday Cat Blogging and Happy Cats, in which these lovely cats are . . . happy!
romeokat presents Catblogging Friday, in which Smudgie and Pix-purr love their kitty tree!
And here at Watermark, we have cat pictures and goodies, many of them edible.
Desert Cat sends Bobby, and his pet-me belly.
Christina sends Just Because . . . , because it's cute.
From Velvel, who just discovered us, we have People who buy cat-toys are idiots, which suggests alternatives to idiocy.

This is up a bit early as I have a commitment elsewhere; I will post additions later tonight or tomorrow morning. Please let me know if I've missed anyone (which has been known to happen) or if you have trackback enabled and did not receive one. Next week's Carnival will be at Running Scared, and don't forget to visit this week's Friday Ark.
Thanks, all -- see you next week!
[ Note: all of these images are animated; if it took you
awhile to work your way down the page, you might want to reload it to
see what they do. These are unusually entertaining animations; I
You are right :)
I discover the Friday Cat Blogging and the Carnival of the cats just 3 weeks ago.
Posted by: Bibi | 30 January 2005 at 07:47 PM
awww, what a cute story! Very fun1
Posted by: etherealfire | 30 January 2005 at 09:47 PM
I'm too late again! I always forget!
Posted by: Lauren | 30 January 2005 at 11:05 PM
I love cats! Is there a list of cat bloggers? I'd love to be able to follow the carnival from place to place! I found this one by doing a google search
Posted by: Storyteller | 06 February 2005 at 03:57 PM