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01 January 2005


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Sarpy Sam

Seasons turn around
Sun,snow streaks the air abound
Friends, like grass arise


Voice flutes from below,
shutting out the wind. I think:
He'll be four this year.


Resolutions? No.
I have promises to keep
and miles, miles to go.

[ok, liberties with Robert Frost's "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening", but, it's still true.]


the past is written
clean new page, fresh ink to write
what comes after this


Cymbals bright and pure
Bounce off players singing horns
Musicians' New Year



(Not a haiku, and not current, but the will to participate - however ineptly - was there.)


O.K., this just came to me. Brace yerselves...

To what shall I liken
this New Year's, warm and brown?
It happens, that's all.


Oh good I found mine, buried in the junk of my desk.

New day-
leave the paper



Nearly flash-frozen
on the beach: north wind gusts down
Gastineau Channel.


Come in from the rain
Reinvent and try again
New without the pain


so kay the first one are good not really haiku some of them not meaningful and too much error


Thank you for visiting, and I hope you will contribute to this year's haiku dance.

However, please note that this is not a literary exercise, but a FUN exercise. Not all the contributors are poets.

Everyone is invited to play -- and no critiques are allowed on these collaborative posts.


the past is written
clean new page, fresh ink to write
what comes after this


[ok, liberties with Robert Frost's "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening", but, it's still true.]


However, please note that this is not a literary exercise, but a FUN exercise. Not all the contributors are poets.

Everyone is invited to play -- and no critiques are allowed on these collaborative posts.


Come in from the rain
Reinvent and try again
New without the pain


Oh good I found mine, buried in the junk of my desk.

New day-
leave the paper

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