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24 March 2005


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Good to see your spirits are up!

Our love of the every day, the miracles of parakeets and ironing!

Isn't that what helps us feel the spirit of life?


Great photos! I'm still considering adding a parakeet to the clan here. I saw my first redwing blackbirds the other day. And the robins have arrived in time for the snow! The regulars are here - starlings, chickadees, ravens & crows, eagles & hawks of misc. varieties, sparrows, geese and ducks. We've also been watching the cranes! Another bird lady...


I think Cloud is a lovely name. And she is beautiful; are those turquoise feathers underneath?

And that Blue! He doesn't waste any time, does he? Little devil.


What a beautiful pair they are! Cloud is gorgeous; I love the golden beak and little bits of blue.


How about Ivory?


Cloud is a wounderful name for a wounderful bird. If you are wonting to change it a suggestion is Pinto, because of her white bachground and spots. They both look very good togerther. If they are male and female you could consider breeding them.

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