had hoped that Blue would find me (and the dogs) sufficient company to
keep him entertained; but it was not to be. Budgies should be active,
busy, noisy -- and he was not. He didn't seem unhappy, exactly; just
not joyful.
he has a new companion, whom I am calling Cloud for the moment -- but
suggestions are welcome. I did careful introductions, separate cages,
Blue out for visiting through bars each day. Today I left them
together in the big cage while I went out to meet Patia (more about that later) and when I came home, they were kissing.
I bought Blue, the pet store clipped one of his wings, but this never
slowed him down for a minute. When I bought Cloud, they clipped both
wings, and s/he (too young to tell) could only hop and glide -- this
left Blue with a distinct advantage, and showed me why he may have been
so difficult to train. So, after reading the books I have about
parakeets, I took him back to have his wings clipped, too.
And now I wish I hadn't. He seems impaired to me. He loved flying -- and I know it's risky, and I know he should be trained first -- but I'll not do it again. My other parakeets never had their wings clipped after the first time, and neither will these. It means I have to be vigilant about potential dangers, so I will be.
Yesterday, when I went out to check the feeders, feed the squirrels
and scatter seed on the ground for the siskins and juncos, this little
woodpecker was at the feeder -- and allowed me to take photo after photo. Such a beautiful bird.
And this morning, dozens of robins, skittering about on the park lawn. They look like little formal people, in their gray-brown suits, with that one, tasteful rebellion of their muted orange vests. And ducks on the river.
[click photos for larger images]
25 March: look here!
Good to see your spirits are up!
Our love of the every day, the miracles of parakeets and ironing!
Isn't that what helps us feel the spirit of life?
Posted by: Ken | 24 March 2005 at 09:20 PM
Great photos! I'm still considering adding a parakeet to the clan here. I saw my first redwing blackbirds the other day. And the robins have arrived in time for the snow! The regulars are here - starlings, chickadees, ravens & crows, eagles & hawks of misc. varieties, sparrows, geese and ducks. We've also been watching the cranes! Another bird lady...
Posted by: Karen | 24 March 2005 at 09:49 PM
I think Cloud is a lovely name. And she is beautiful; are those turquoise feathers underneath?
And that Blue! He doesn't waste any time, does he? Little devil.
Posted by: mj | 24 March 2005 at 10:44 PM
What a beautiful pair they are! Cloud is gorgeous; I love the golden beak and little bits of blue.
Posted by: Kimberly | 24 March 2005 at 11:32 PM
How about Ivory?
Posted by: Cathy | 25 March 2005 at 01:15 PM
Cloud is a wounderful name for a wounderful bird. If you are wonting to change it a suggestion is Pinto, because of her white bachground and spots. They both look very good togerther. If they are male and female you could consider breeding them.
Posted by: Kay | 06 July 2005 at 10:13 AM