From Yellowstone Public Radio:
Blogs, Bloggers, and Blogging
a live call-in
Tuesday, March 29, 7pm (that's TODAY!)
call 657.2941 or 800.441.2941Join YPR New Media Manager Ken Siebert for an hour-long panel discussion about blogs: what they are, who's doing it, and what it means for traditional journalism and the Internet. The discussion will also feature the community of Montana bloggers and what they're saying about the state and the people who live here.
Guests include Ed Kemmick of the Billings Gazette, Billings Outpost Editor David Crisp, Craig Sprout, who runs the blog, and Karen Hergenrider, who runs the karbonkountymoos blog. Listener comments and questions are welcome throughout the program.
In honor of the event, for Moos, and courtesy of the sassy Tild ~, we have the new, feisty Calamity She-Blogger. I'm guessing that she may be added to the She-Blogger product line.
Up in the corner of the Yellowstone Public Radio site, I see a Listen Online notice; I assume this means we can listen to the program, even if we are not in Billings. I've never used my computer for this before, so I plan to test it out this afternoon.
I know that Karen, Craig, David,
and Ed will do us proud; we have a wide range of politics, opinion, and
style here. And I'm pleased that YPR
responded promptly to requests for a bit more gender diversity on the
panel. My guess is, though I don't know for sure, that all are white. I
had a brief fantasy that Moos might be Jamaican or something, but
judging from these photos, I would imagine not.
Note, however, that the issue of diversity in the blogosphere is a different (and more difficult) issue, than the easily resolved challenge for conferences, panels, and news reports (and blogrolls) to represent the diversity that already exists.
Thanks for the kind words. Or, perhaps I should say, "Tanks fah da kind woids."
The Jersey Caller
Posted by: Jim - PRS | 30 March 2005 at 05:58 AM
What do you think about:
"Craig Sprout, who runs the blog, and Karen Hergenrider, who runs the karbonkountymoos blog."
Speaking for myself - I don't think I run anything...
Posted by: Karen | 30 March 2005 at 06:11 PM
Sharon, just let you know. I have discontinue my typepad site.The Quiet One. Deep down inside, my heart is not really in it anymore.
Posted by: Cathy | 30 March 2005 at 07:33 PM
I had a fantasy that Karen was a Jamaican woman, too. But I probably shouldn't talk about such things in a family-friendly blog.
Posted by: TL Hines | 05 April 2005 at 10:26 AM