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14 March 2005


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The Heretik

Linked to you today.
Sent this message to some other people on the path and now on to you. I appreciate your strong voice very much. Please consider this when you think your voice is needed. Your voice is needed very much now! May heaven smile upon you, may hell fear your whisper, may earth welcome your every step. We walk in darkness searching for the light.

And on a lighter note:
What's the difference between ignorance and apathy?
I don't know and I don't care.


Wow, thanks for the link! You honor me.
Yes, isn't "She-blogger" great??! I just love the slouch and the sneer and the way she 'bogarts' her ciggie. One pretty tough cookie, and that's a good thing in my book. . She also reminds me of Rizzo in "Grease". ;)

Trish Wilson

Thanks so much for the delightful birthday gift. I celebrate my birthday all month so this was a real treat.


Thanks so much, hon. Can't stay, gotta run to class, but wanted you to know I appreciate it. Will catch up soon ....

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