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26 March 2005


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Hm, I didn't realize the become the book aspect. I'll ahve to rethink my Fahrenheit answer.

Peace is Every Step sounds wonderful. I'm queued in 4th position at the library waiting list for that now that I've heard of it. I just picked up Gift from the Sea by Lindbergh so waiting is fine. Mary Oliver sounds like a wonderful poet to check out too.


I've gotten one of those questions before, and never fail to disturb myself by being honest with my answer. "Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?" Yes. Nero Wolfe. And that's probably just wrong, but I do.


Pearl, Mary Oliver is wonderful, do go find her books.

And Jazz, I didn't only have a crush on Nero Wolfe, I wanted to be Nero Wolfe.


Blimey, that took much longer than I thought (and I've cheated, left a few blank while I think about it)!

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