Boo and Spike welcome you to the 56th Carnival of the Cats, and are pleased to present their own versions of Flickr's new photo badges. You should see new Spike and Boo portraits each time you reload the page.
On behalf of all carnival hosts, I strongly encourage participants to use the Carnival Submit Form, created for us by Ferdinand The Cat. An excellent carpal tunnel prevention, it greatly simplifies carnival organization.
We have a busy carnival this week:
Gus Van Horn presents My Fact Checker
the tao of me presents Cat in the Box
Boxing Alcibiades presents BooBoo MightyPaws at rest
The Peoples' Republic of Seabrook presents I assume you had a good reason for awakening me??
Blog d'Elisson presents Tuesday, and Already I'm Bloggin' the Cats and Alien Menace Thwarted
The Endorian Experience presents Friday Cat blogging
Elms in the Yard presents Stalking the Wild Siamese
pages turned presents No tax worries for Claudius
Curiouser & Curiouser presents Harley, getting some springtime rays
Lab Kat presents The hard life of a cat
Music and Cats presents Feline Friday: Eat, play, sleep
The Secret Life of Shoes presents Do You Ever See Cat Skeletons in the Trees?
Living With Bengals presents Gratuitous Cat Picture #8 and The Water Wars
CatHouse Chat presents The Great Bee Hunt
Josh's Weblog presents Feline Friday
maggies meanderings and shameless plugs presents more kitty love and Carlos goes flippy kitty
Running Scared presents Friday Cats
Scribblings presents Feline Friday
7610 presents Friday Cat Blogging
enrevanche presents Mister Gato's "Prevent Defense"
nycbabylon presents Ask MJ Cat- Friday Catblog
Dust My Broom presents Friday Critter blogging
Melange presents Stick 'em Up
Ego presents Morris In Action
Conservative Cat presents Cleanup
For those with slightly warped humor sensors, phin's blog presents two pieces on the revolt of the feral cats: Feral cat hunting tips and When things go wrong
lisaviolet presents As promised
Sundappled Wood presents Izzyblog
MartiniPundit presents Conjoined Cats
By the Way... presents Bookends
DED Space presents Friday Cat Blogging
sisu presents A nightmare is a wish your heart makes?; When the man's away, the cats will play; This cat won't hunt; They shoot gophers, don't they?; and Losing touch with their inner prey.
Ogre's Politics and Views presents Cats in Chairs
striving for average presents The Morning Paper
CatBlogging Central, IFOC, presents Capsized Cat
Mind of Mog presents Good Kittycat and Furry Angel In Heaven
2/10 presents Kitty Blog
When Cats Attack presents Sorry It's Been So Long
Sugarfused presents shhhhh… i'm takin' a paws
triticale presents Penny As A Kitten
The Oubliette presents thursday night catblogging and that's comfortable?
Here at Watermark, Sister Garrote of Forgiveness & Brother Trebuchet of Kind Equanimity present Unitarian Jihad
On behalf of the Unitarian Siblings, I commend to you this week's Carnival of the Dogs; Rascal Fair [a Montana Bloggers carnival]; and Friday Ark. The next Carnival of the Cats will be at The Oubliette. Let me know if I've missed anyone (which has been known to happen) or if your trackback didn't go through. And remember:
You have a right to your moderation! You have the power to be calm!