« Snapshot 05/05/05 | Main | Playing with the camera »

06 May 2005


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They sure look like they get along well in the photos! Or do they just like to pose?


This is "who can get closest" to me -- so the dogs are within scolding range and know they can't chase the cats.

No matter how much they want to.


Our Schnauzer and cat are like the coyote and the sheep dog in the old cartoon who say hello, clock in, fight all day, and clock out and say good night: they often end up sharing the bed at night, but the detente ends at dawn (I actually posted this once, and found a picture of the cartoon). And yes, it's the dog's fault; the cat just wants to snuggle. But the dog is too busy making sure that she is closer to us, while the cat couldn't care less about territory.


they sure get alnog (not like mine:( }



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