As is probably obvious from the paucity of posts, I am a bit less well than usual. This means that Spike has more opportunity to insist on attention, as I am not otherwise occupied. And never fear, Boo gets her share.
In recent cat news, The Modulator points out that, once again, The New York Times has noticed that the internet is heavily feline- populated:
Cats are the Web's it-animals. They're everywhere. When you look up Devil Cats, you'll see comics about cat owners who love too much and the cats that cheat on them. Look up Devil Dogs, and you'll be offered apparel for the Marine Corps and information about Drake's cakes. Under the heading "Animal Antics," has four "Viral Videos" of cats, none of dogs. There are tons of badly drawn cats at, but there's no such site for dogs.
This article (registration required) has lots of good cat links, but finishes with this extremely controversial assertion:
. . . cats are like so many bloggers sitting at home staring into their computer screens and watching other bloggers blog other bloggers. Cats, who live indoors and love to prowl, are the soul of the blogosphere. Dogs would never blog.
Let us not forget the Carnival of the Dogs. Or, of course, Friday Ark, for all kinds of critters.
But it is true that cats rule, as demonstrated weekly at the excellent Carnival of the Cats.
Burningbird offers her own meditation on blogging, bloggers, and cats:
Webloggers write about cats. No, no! Webloggers don’t write about cats. Webloggers never write in their jammies with their cats in their laps! Webloggers never write in their jammies with their cute little boojums woojums purring on their wappy lapp… Webloggers don’t write about cats.
It is very, very hot here in Montana, and the forests are burning. This fellow has a nice little collection of internet cats, including this seasonal example:
Speaking of Montana, next week (Tuesday, I think) the Montana bloggers' Rascal Fair will be
here at Watermark. This is my first time hosting, and I look forward to
it. I'll not even attempt to outdo moos. I'm thinking on it, though, so
review your posts and get those entries in!
Also, please note that next week's Carnival of the Cats will be hosted this week by the founder This Blog is Full of Crap in conjunction with the Blogathon.
ADDED for weekend entertainment:
You can circumvent registration to the NYT and others by going to Bug Me Not
Great post, btw.
Posted by: Nio | 07 August 2005 at 09:04 AM
Thanks, Nio -- I will start including that link in posts that reference Registration Required sites -- good idea!
Posted by: SB | 07 August 2005 at 11:02 AM