My dreams are the center of my creativity. Even as a child, I treasured them. Now, at 57, I am well familiar with my own dream vocabulary. Though I am occasionally blessed with a dream that seems to carry some special significance, it is rare anymore for me to be completely surprised by some new dream imagery. I woke surprised this morning.
I must introduce this dream moment (only a small part of one of those complex, labyrinthine dreams that winds and twists and turns back on itself) by pointing out that I am one of those rare individuals who smoked marijuana a very few times in my youth, and didn't like it. So in this dream:
I am walking through a large, ancient house, and come upon an elaborate, dark room, filled with cats smoking hashish from glass bongs and hookas. The cats (and kittens!) are sprawled about on rugs and cushions, holding pipe stems between their paws, and looking extremely stoned. The pipes are beautiful, mouth-blown glass, lots of swirling colors. Everything is very exotic. Even the me in the dream is amazed.
Now, on writing this, it occurs to me that it may be a comment on my rather dazed response to the recent medication change. Maybe it means I'm about to come out of it?

Now every Friday I'll be visualizing each of the cats boarding the Ark in that elaborate dark room....
Posted by: Steve | 24 October 2005 at 01:46 PM
This explains a lot about cats. I think you have seen beyond the veil, here. I hope they won't feel you have ratted them out (ouch. sorry.).
Posted by: mjones | 27 October 2005 at 05:24 AM