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21 October 2005


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Laura Brittain

My friend Rob just posted the funniest story about his pet on our blog. I love your blog and thought I would share it with you. Rob dresses his dog "Stogie" up in funny costumes... you can see a picture on the www.haneyfarm.com blog.


That face! That tummy! Awwwwww ....


Kittens are irresistable to me, too! I'd love to have a kitten, but ohhh myyy where would I put it?!?

Have a nice weekend, SB :))


PeeWee? With that kind of face, should be named Charlie for Charlie Chaplain.

What a charming kitten.


Oh, yes you can, you can have a kitten :o)


Ooohh, Ken -- that is evil. Spike and Boo would never forgive me.


She has the sweetest little hitler moustache! Ahhh!


I think you deserve a kitten!
Of course, I speak as one who recently brought home a kitten to a household of three parrots, two cats and one decrepit old pug doggie.


Gigolo Kitty

The trouble with a kitten is that
Eventually it becomes a cat.

Those are really adorable kittens.


Oh, what an adorable little fuzzball she is!

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