As a highly evolved, spiritual being, Boo is supremely uninterested in Black Friday. Today I offer some kitty shopping links; here you may find something for your own divine felines.
First, for the sacred beings themselves, we have:

In his new book, Dr. Oliver Catman reveals secrets of the feline species, and purrsonal methods for domestic domination. He demonstrates manipulation is an art, selfishness a virtue, and claws quintessential assets. You may laugh yourself silly, but you will never look at your cat the same way again
Visit our website - www.beatnikcat.com

Via Popgadget
& Finally:

Spike is as uninterested as Boo -- at least until the gifts arrive. Next week, gifts for cat coteries.

In the meantime, between shopping expiditions, don't forget to visit:
Friday Ark
I and the Bird
Carnival of the Cats
Carnival of the Dogs
Circus of the Spineless
Mouse and Amber are telling me I should have stopped here first before going out. :)
Posted by: Cassie | 25 November 2005 at 05:02 PM
Bear would sure love some of that kitty furniture.
Posted by: Simply Coll | 28 November 2005 at 09:08 AM