The votes are in, and Wulfgar! has tabulated them. Before I get to that, though, I feel compelled to comment on an anonymous email he received, accusing him of offering this contest in order to drive traffic to his website.
I assume that this email was not sent by a Montanan. I assume this for two reasons. First, because most of us, even townies, understand the importance of community in rural areas, and appreciate the community-building efforts of our neighbors. Second, Montanans generally are quite willing to put our names to our opinions.
With that out of the way, on to the winners. I'm not going to list the Montana State sites, because even though they are useful, I find them boring. Go to A Chicken Is Not Pillage for those and for further details and notes on the polling.
Here ya go:
Left In The West & A Chicken Is Not Pillage: Best Montana Political Websites [tie]
Left In The West: Best Left Leaning Political Website
MTPolitics: Best Right Leaning Political Website
Dave Budge: Best Libertarian/Constitutional/Independent Website
Tester Time: Best Political Candidate’s Website
Karbon Kounty Moos: Best Lifestyle Website
Thoughts From The Middle of Nowhere: Most Exemplifies a Montana Lifestyle
Watermark: Best Culture Website Thanks to all who voted for me!
Better Living Through Blogging: Best Pop-Culture Website
City Lights: Most Web Gravitas (Best Read) Website; Best Online Media Sponsored Website [with the most votes for any candidate in any category]
New West Network: Best Website For Montana News; Most Informative Website About Montana And Montana Concerns; Best Montana Media Website; Best Online Magazine
Bitterroot and Bergamot & Thoughts From the Middle of Nowhere: Best Websites For Montana Photos [tie]
Prairie Mary & Thoughts From the Middle of Nowhere: Best Websites For Montana Tales and Stories
A Secular Franciscan Life: Most Humorous Montana Website [by a landslide]
The Billings Gazette: Best Online Newspaper
Prairie Mary: Most Historical Montana Website
Big Sky Blog: Best Montana Community Website
The Monkey Cage: Most Missed Montana Website Not Being Updated Or On Hiatus [and now back!]
Revolving Duck: Best Personal Montana Website
Finally, and I love this:
Spun and Spinning won BOTH Montana Survivor: Website you’d most like to be voted off the mountains AND The Montana Website You Would Choose To Read Everyday.
And that tells you everything you need to know about Montana.
Posted by: Pandora | 22 November 2005 at 09:17 PM
Have you gotten a chance to visit
"The website for people
homesick for Montana."
Posted by: Mark Greytak | 03 December 2005 at 12:17 AM