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21 February 2006


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Sour Duck

"Watermark will have had 100,000 visits!"

Congratulations. :)

niki robinson

Interesting links - I checked them all. This blogging is addictive - i'm not getting my real computer work done! Anyway...impressive, impressive. You are a wonderful poet, thinker, and contributor.


Thanks for the kind words. I worked very hard on those categories. Weeks of meditation, professional editors and cool hunters: you have no idea.

And, 100,000 visits, eh? Well, I'm doing my bit.

Miss Foxy

there was a dead squirrel on my homestreet today, driven over by a car. still warm, so silent and small. dead in my hands.

the ground is frozen and coverd by snow, I could not bury it, I had to put in a litter box. broke my heart.

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