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12 February 2006


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Laurence Simon

It's not bad at all to have a favorite. Especially when you work so hard putting this together.

Great job as always, and I look forward to the Carnivals you have yet to craft in the future.


Thanks, Laurence.

And a special thanks to Squibs & Crackers and their well-humored human.

Also, it's been pointed out to me that the meant-to-be loving message at the top of the post, due to an unfortunate coincidence of timing, might be considered a comment on current events. This was in no way intended.

My cats support me in my point of view that, while I may be completely opposed to a given opinion, I will adamantly defend the right for it to be expressed.

Mary Scriver

Well, now these two explosive cats are demanding little wee director's chairs with their names on them. I've pointed out that they already occupy BOTH of my reading chairs most of the time, but they are unmoved. They say their agent will be by to have a little talk.

But they also say to thank you for the exposure and the kind comments. They are happy to be on such a distinguished NYTimes recognized BLOG.

Prairie Mary


Ohhh, wee little kitty director chairs!

I think there might be a business opportunity there.

Sissy Willis

A beautiful job. :) AND, an Instalanche! Prrrrr.

marie tsangarie

dear lucy
im a fellow cat lover
I am making a web site for my cats I have Exotic persians and I rescue cats
how much doess it cost to display your banner and pics on my web page
a lot of people look at it and its good advertising from one cat lover to another
Im not as great as you at drawing or computers and would love to put your pics on my web page as I cant draw that well
await your reply
thank you
marie tsangaris

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