- Erin has written a lovely haibun off one of my snapshot poems. She also says some very nice things about me. Really.
- And as long as I'm bragging -- this was awhile ago, and I put it on my sidebar, but in case you missed it, another fine review from Dave Bonta:
SB - sometimes after reading one of your "snapshot" poems, I feel a sudden, inexplicable desire for a cigarette...
- A meditation on Silence.
- I'm on day two of The End of Faith. My faith in liberalism is being shaken.
- Cheating on poetry.
- Beginning tomorrow, there will be an open discussion with Jane Hirshfield at The Well -- nonmembers can participate by email. The topic is her stunning new book of poems, After.
- I replaced the photos in my Flickr Daypix set with high-resolution images, for anyone interested in seeing better versions.
- Much cuter photo than mine. Cute cute cute.
- My dragon dream has been updated with a cool interpretation. Wouldn't it be great if TypePad offered some option you could choose, when doing a significant update, that would republish the post with the current date -- while reflecting the fact that it is, in fact, an update?
- Miriam has a nice post on art with books, art/kultur, detritus, & material culture -- doesn't she have great categories?
- I keep thinking about this.
- There's a new photoblog directory -- it tells me that 12 users have marked this blog as a favorite. Those of you who post photos might want to get on the list.
- Speaking of photos: Pets on Parade.
- Dave Pollard recently wrote a post that, among other things, questions whether AIDS is caused by the HIV virus. I'm still struggling with this. If it weren't Dave, I'd dismiss it out of hand. His post of today, though unlike his usual, is not to be missed.
- No more pop-ups here, right?
Hmm. Enough for one day?
- YIKES, I almost forgot -- sometime in the next few days, Watermark will have had 100,000 visits!
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