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27 February 2006


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thanks for a stimulating post


ohh this was WONDERFUL and how odd I was just having a conversation with my friend this weekend about TK cause she had him on her radio (NPR) show--- I actually agree with him wholeheartedly on the cleverness thing-- I don't enjoy "clever" much at all, actually-- not in fiction or film or poetry-- i generally am rather Shaker in my tastes and love clear, simple truths.


I've been saving this to read ... just did, although probably not as thoroughly as I should. But I like this line: Some go out of their way to make their poems difficult if not downright discouraging.

YES. I am in the midst of reading -- and, worse, trying to understand -- dozens of poems every week. It's exhausting.

But I'm really enjoying the _writing_ part of the class! (Because of course _I_ make perfect sense.)

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