The Blue Bed
I sleep on a high blue bed
between clouded mountains.
I am growing a new brain.
This one will be sparkly
and fine; it will float
in the fluid of compassion.I sleep flanked by two fine
dogs on a high blue bed
between brushed green
cotton and purple flannel.
I am growing a new heart.
I will beat to the rhythmof dreams. Who is it that
wakes in the mornings on
a high blue bed in this bowl
of thick cloud? Is the waker
fashioned from this real, or
this imagined, world?
I usually post my Snapshot Poem on Wednesday, which is the day the PoetryEtc list does this exercise. Below is from p
o e t r y e t c p r o j e c t s -- just one of the archive sites for these poems:
Poetryetc is a listserv relating to poetry and poetics which provides a forum for poets to debate their critical and creative work. The list has over the years run a number of projects for its members, of which Snapshots has been the most enduring.
Every Wednesday, Poetryetc members were invited to post short poems on any subject or in any form they chose. The idea was to make a poetic collage of instamatic snaps of that day that reflected the international membership of the list. The project has generated an astounding number of poems.
Without this list, I would have far fewer poems. But for those with an interest in poems, but none in poetry lists, I want to draw your attention to Poetry Thursdays:
I have a new idea. Poetry Thursdays.
An invitation to read a new poem or an old favorite.
An invitation to take the poem with you to the bathtub to have your own poetry reading.
An invitation to rediscover a poem that you love and share it with others.
An invitation to write a poem. Yes, you. Write. A. Poem.
An invitation to look at the world from another's perspective.
An invitation to let words resonate within you.And I plan to extend this invitation through sharing a different poem each week. One I have discovered on this journey into poetry that I find myself on this year.
If you would like to participate, and want to be on the list, go to Liz Elayne's site and let her know.
Great poem! The last line was perfect and a killer too. I have a poem too, where I use the sky as a bed. Right I can't find it, when I do. I'll post it.
Thank You for the St Pat card. It was cute!
Posted by: Cathy | 17 March 2006 at 11:54 AM
in this bowl of thick cloud...
i love that.
i like the rhythm and the images you create with your words...
thanks for linking to my site and for introducing me to poetryetc.
Posted by: liz elayne | 18 March 2006 at 12:03 AM