Just a reminder of the folks who attempted this grueling feat, a poem a day, thirty days. All of us are bloomin' flowers, or else bulbs. Or something. Praise us.
Ivy Alvarez
Sam Amadon
Karla Andrich
Emma Barnes
Simeon Berry
Judith Black
Kristy Bowen
Anne Boyer
Andrew Burke
Julie Carter
Shanna Compton
Kerry Da Silva
Melanie Faith
Faux Maux
Michelle Fierro
Suzanne Frischkorn
Elisa Gabbert
Ryk Groetchen
Vicky H.
Anne Haines
Shafer Hall
Christine Hamm
David Harris-Gershon
Thom Ingram
Erica Kaufman
David Kirschenbaum
Jennifer L. Knox
Mark Lamoureux
Amanda Laughtland
Ada Limon
Erin M.
Brian McGuigan
M. Monster
Erin Noteboom
Shann Palmer
Chad Parenteau
Carol Peters
Kathryn Petro-Harper
Steve Roberts
Harry Rutherford
Michael Schiavo
Jessica Smith
Mike Snider
Mathias Svalina
Jen Tynes
Phil West
I guess I should have gotten involved with this as I've written and posted a poem a day for years... Oh well. maybe next year.
Did you hear Ron Silliman was elected the 2006 Poet Laureate Of The Blogosphere over at Poetisphere.com ?
Anyway, I wanted to thank you for joining us at Poets101.com -Billy
Posted by: Billy The Blogging Poet | 01 May 2006 at 07:24 PM
Gorgeous tulips!
The deer have already mown all mine down before they even had a chance ....
Posted by: Patia | 02 May 2006 at 12:15 AM
Lovely blossoms in both sections
Posted by: endment | 02 May 2006 at 05:52 AM