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10 April 2006


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Oh, I like this. Can I borrow it to turn in for class tomorrow?

Just kidding. But I am sitting here trying to conjure up a poem and not getting very far.

Might help if I quit checking my Bloglines account. ;-)


I suspect, given certain searches on my site, that some of my poems have been borrowed on occasion, for just that purpose. Which is going to be harder to get away with as profs get more sophisticated about these internets.

How I envy you, though, your class -- I would love to be there.


Just to be clear, I would NEVER borrow someone else's work for school.

I did eventually get something resembling a poem written. It turned into a rather long piece, actually, and is very much a work in progress. But that's OK -- I just needed to turn in a draft.

I don't think you would love to be there -- I am the only person over age 24 in the class. It's quite ... challenging. I am really enjoying the writing end of it, though. And you are already doing that.


Yes, I know you wouldn't.

I sat in on an intro course at the U a few years ago, same demographic, but I did enjoy it, anyway. I liked the teacher, and it's nice to have some time with other folks who are writing, IRL.

So I'm still envious.


Would you still be envious if I told you I had several dozen pages of poetry and literary criticism to read this week? And a movie to watch for class? (Well, that's not so bad, I guess.) And six hours of class time? And a 30+ hour work week?


Wonderful, vivid detail.

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