This Special Edition of the 112th Carnival of the Cats is brought to you in honor of Gracie, my mother's cat and devoted companion. My mom has been catless for years, sadly -- and now Gracie has come to boss her around and keep her purr company. Pretty comfortable looking cat, isn't she?
Mom is trying to decide if she can bear to leave Gracie, and come to see me. What would you do?
While you think that over, on with the Carnival:
Some families are quite large and demanding...
Here at Watermark, Gracie presents Haircut and Feline Flash
whaleshaman at Jelly Pizza presents Taboo Woke Up for the Friday Ark! and Wake Me...
lhk at Beezer Song presents Toys!
srp at Mélange presents An Improbable Trio
Wes Phillips at Wes Phillips' Stereophilia presents Role Reversal 1 and Role Reversal 2
Debra at The Manx Mnews presents I'm A Cat and You're Not
Blueberry at Texas Oasis presents Friday Cat - Pure black magic
pet campbell at Life~Florida~Whatever presents Best Cat
Lab Kat at Lab Kat presents Friday Cat Blogging
Some families are a bit more easily managed...
Nio at Niobium presents Tom Cat, Balless Wonder, 1st Anniversary!, and The Saga of Tom Cat
the Robot Vegetable at Middle-Fork presents Lady in the Morning Sunlight
Rahel at Elms in the Yard presents Drama in the Garden [Warning: there is a popup on this site]
Gaston at Catnabbit presents NSA Hires Cats to Build Kitty Litter Box Database
Omnibus Driver at Leslie's Omnibus presents Traveling Companions
Tata at Poor Impulse Control presents Friday Cat Blogging: Mama Says Edition
Jeff at Athenamama presents Thalia Loves Survivor
Pipsqueak at The Common Room presents The Cute Kitten Without a Name
K T Cat at The Scratching Post presents Staring Into Space
Some families -- and moms -- aren't at all what we expect...
Josh Poulson at Josh's Weblog presents Feline Friday
leucanthemum b at Composite Drawlings presents Catblog Friday: AyeAye in Action
Kitten Picture at Kitten Picture presents, um, let's see... Kitten [in the grass] Picture!
Michael at Curiouser & Curiouser presents Catblog Friday
maggie katzen at maggies meanderings and shameless plugs presents little vultures
D at Musings... presents Woe to the Invader!
Signor Ferrari at The Blue Parrot presents Friday Catblogging
keewee at keewee'scorner presents Office assistant
Kimberly at Music and Cats presents Feline Friday: Staring out the window
Sometimes Mom would just like a break...
Leigh at Meezer Mayhem presents Mmm Chickeny
Lisa at Chasing Grace presents Cold
tommy at Striving For Average presents The View is Good
Sissy at sisu presents Bad faith, Out of harm's way, "There is, in short, no home for us in this world", and L'art pour la chat
Rondi Adamson at Begin Each Day as if it Were on Purpose presents The Human is Back: I'll Alert the Media
Peaches at The Peach Pit presents Kitty in the Window
LadyGunn presents Cute Kitty Overload and All Hail Booie
John at StrangeRanger presents A tale of two kitties: part the first
Storytime is often the best time of the day, for Moms and Kittens both...
Farmgirl at Farmgirl Fare presents Weekend Cat Blogging #49
Valerie at Val's Bien presents Between the Storms
Patricia at presents Mummmm...let me in!
Susan at pages turned presents Claudie listens to a story at nap time
C. Ann at Purrfectly Black Cat presents My "Purrfectly" Black Cat Is Having Kittens!
Leigh-Ann at The Blog Pound presents If you feed them, they will come
Judith at Two Black Cats presents Sunday is for sleeping cats
animalfamily at animal family presents animal family hierarchy
PJ and The Boyz at No Deep Thoughts presents It's Meowmie's Day and.....
We often resemble our mom, whether we look like her or not...
Laura Lee Donoho at The Wide Awake Cafe presents Before the Pounce
Mog at Mind of Mog presents Kittieeeeees, Bad Boys, Kitty Movie Monday, and No flashy no watchy
Aloysius at Catymology presents May King
Jan at Cascade Exposures presents Spectra, Pepper and Seal lurk in the grass
Barry Campbell at enrevanche presents Your cat is all feet.
Winston at A Blog Purr-say (per s�) presents Prayer Time
Kimberly at Anchored by Grace presents Blossom & Pumpkin - True Love! & Cute Cat Photos
Brandon at Grapevine's Ramblings presents One Week Later
Laurence at IFOC presents Fighty bitey monster
Martin Lindeskog at EGO presents PERSIAN CAT
dolphin at Where the Dolphins Play presents Feline Friday Sunday
Steve Reuland at Sunbeams From Cucumbers presents Friday Animal Blogging -- Cat in a Box
Elisson at Blog d'Elisson presents A Trick of Perspective and Hassock Hakuna
& El Capitan at Baboon Pirates presents Putting Down Roots?
& mensa barbie at Mensa Barbie Welcomes You presents Way out on a limb...
That's it for this week -- I hope you and your cats and your mothers all had a wonderful day! And on this day that we honor mothers, and motherhood, let's not forget to honor those who make other, considered, decisions.
Please let me know if I've missed anyone -- it does happen now and then, as Sissy can attest. Also, trackbacks are being stubborn, so please be patient.
Re: MISSED POSTS ~ Elisson asks Wha' hoppen? I sent in two links... and the answer is, I don't know, but I have some ideas. FWIW, my own entry -- sent before I remembered I didn't need to send it this week -- also never arrived, and Sissy has had problems for two weeks. One possibility is that it gets lost in SPAM: there were well over 500 spam emails in there when I first checked it, before Laurence went in to clear it out.
And another possibility is, of course, user error. *sigh*
Next week's Carnival will be at IMAO.
Want your cat to be on the CarnivalOfTheCats banner? Click over there to find out how. You may also want to check out, and even join, the Cat Lovers Community. And if you've a spare moment, you might hop to the next post and let me know what you think of the new Watermark banner -- is it a keeper, or no?
Today's animations, as usual, are from Lucy Rand.
Great carnival. Thanks!
Posted by: K T Cat | 14 May 2006 at 10:13 PM
Wha' hoppen? I sent in two links...
Posted by: Elisson | 15 May 2006 at 05:02 AM
I made a post this week but forgot to submit it :-/ Here's my kitty post:
Posted by: dolphin | 15 May 2006 at 08:17 AM
Most excellent!
Posted by: Laurence Simon | 15 May 2006 at 11:11 AM