A few months ago, I received a request from a flickr photographer (and poet) to trade prints; he wanted a print of one of my bird photos, and in exchange he would send me one of his, of my choosing. A look at his photostream -- and his wonderful visual poems
-- left me feeling very flattered -- but as my printing capacity is
limited, I assured him he was free to download anything of mine he
liked, and that an exchange would be welcome but quite unneccessary.
One day last week -- a tired day, a slow day, an uninspired day -- an unexpected package came in the mail. A beautiful book of art photos, from Spain. Such a lovely mystery; an unfamiliar language. Then, a familiar name, a familiar style:
Here is the large size of The only ghost I ever saw, the piece pictured above. At the back of the book, in English:
Antoni Albalat Salanova is an Information and Linguistic Advisoer at the Language and Terminology Service of the Univrsitat Jaume I...
...Since 1989 when he published his first poetic prose book, Aviram espars, his litereary career has included over a dozen collections of poems and numerous collaborations in anthologies, on both discursive and visual poetry...
Here, a long list of prizes, publications (this one sounds really fun) and exhibitions -- including a note that ...his work can be found in several private collections in Missoula (Montana) and Chicago. Heh.
Some Googling, some reading, and I discover that this book is a catalog of an exhibit -- this exhibit.
Such a generous gift, Toni -- thank you!
Lucky you!!!
Posted by: Cathy | 05 June 2006 at 08:11 PM
Wonderful, I love the links your bird pictures fantastic.
Posted by: harmony | 05 June 2006 at 08:19 PM
It dumped my comment again
this is wonderful - thanks for the link - what a fantastic treasure of a gift!
Posted by: endment | 06 June 2006 at 08:35 AM