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19 June 2006


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Wait. What?

How do you know I'm more sensitive than you? I've never posted results of this test (although I answer yes to pretty much every question).


What's really challenging is that I also rate very highly on the "sensation-seeking" scale, which puts me at odds with myself most of the time. I don't know if that questionnaire is online; it's in her book, The HSP in Love.


Heh. I know you are more sensitive than I, because you say you are a Highly Sensitive Person, and I didn't make the cut.

And if you are "at odds" with yourself, perhaps you, too, have a Craniopagus Parasite -- go take that test!


I'm too afraid.


OK, I did it.

Francesca Gray

Apparantly I am 'highly sensitive' and a DIPROSOPIC PARAPAGUS. (Added to my list of labels, lol)


Amazing!!! T-o-o weird!--- Ok so they are amusing and funny funny funny!


I agree with you about this quiz's [hm, that doesn't look right] oddity but I think that's why I like it. It's got that odd carnivalesque feel about, methinks. ;-) Thanks for the mention!

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