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22 June 2006


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Such a powerful poem. I like how your line breaks work with the poem to create the mood.

I look forward to reading your blog.


there was a great project in the Methow River area in Oregon where the forest service commissioned poems by William Stafford and put them along the road at intervals...there is a chapbook of those poems as well as a couple of little videos..see here.


billy did you a favor once, now it's your turn to do him one in return. support the campaign for Billy the Blogging Poet as Mayor of Poets101.com!

Curt Stump

I loved this poem when I saw it the first time (didn't remember where I'd seen it and thought it was previously on your blog). So my first thought seeing it posted again today was "oh no, she changed it and posted a new version!" But I see it's a reprint. Glad you didn't change a thing. Excellent poem.

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