my past is stalking me
that shadow by the gatethe rigid body of a squirrel
nose-down in the gravela child's high, thin voice
the scent of old loversgreen tomatoes on the vine
bombs in Mumbai, bloodon the pavement -- heat
abductions, rage andretributions, this solid grief
heavy at the throatan ivory necklace carved
in the shape of a rose
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Re readable for sure. I love the first stanza and stayed with it before reading on. I thought about my own shadows...
But what I most appreciate about this piece is that it took me by surprise, suddenly {or so it seemed to me} to move in a different direction - quite arresting.
Thanks for posting it.
Posted by: Owen | 13 July 2006 at 09:04 AM
Another good Snapshot, SB. Full of surprises, as Owen says.
I'm sure I've said this before, but if you ever do put together a book of these, I'll be happy to read and edit for free.
Posted by: Dave | 13 July 2006 at 04:36 PM