If you'd like to broaden, deepen, or sometimes even lighten your life, or if you just like good writing -- these blogs can help:
3 Quarks Daily: Science | Arts | Literature | Politics | Gossip | Philosophy
Yes, it's all that. If you have wide interests and not the time to
pursue them all, this is a one-stop information and inspiration
Ample Sanity: Blog Portal Ideas
Life is short, says Anne, make fun of it.
Echidne of the Snakes: a minor Greek goddess
Who could resist an opinionated goddess with a sense of humor, and dogs?
how to save the world: Dave Pollard's environmental philosophy, creative works, business papers and essays
Dave speaks deeply, thoughtfully, about everything. Everything.
Joy Harjo's Web Log
Joy writes personally and powerfully on a wide range of subjects, and occasionally posts poems and podcasts.
Patch of Sunlight: Turning Toward the Light
A recent find. I don't know who this is, but I love his/her writing.
A very strong writer, whom I hope to meet one day. She just keeps surprising me.
qarrtsiluni: sitting together in the darkness, waiting for something to burst
... an experiment in online literary and artistic collaboration.
via negativa
poetry, photographs, reflections, meditations
whiskey river
quotes, carefully chosen
Wow - thanks for the plug. I'll have to give some serious thought to blogrolling some of these others, though I hate to knock off any of the 80 or so I'm keeping up with already.
Posted by: Dave | 17 August 2006 at 05:48 PM
interesting list of blogs I have never read.... I'll have to go check them out now
Posted by: Josh Maher | 18 August 2006 at 06:41 AM
Oooo, more reading for my morning, thanks! Our list is up if you’d like to look… have a great day!
Posted by: MamaDuck | 18 August 2006 at 07:33 AM
Echidne is definitely a good read.
Here's my list.
Posted by: John | 18 August 2006 at 10:23 AM
More blogs to add to my daily reading list! I hope someday our blog will be on someone's "must read" list.
Posted by: Shadows Edge | 18 August 2006 at 01:39 PM
You make these 10 blogs sound like must reads. I'll be having a looksee tonight.
Thanks for sharing these.
Posted by: Susan | 18 August 2006 at 10:17 PM
I think you'll enjoy these; they are all on my 'daily reads' list.
Posted by: SB | 19 August 2006 at 11:24 AM
Awww.... i'm always last to notice anything, but thank you so much.
Posted by: Anne | 29 August 2006 at 09:43 PM