These were made with t.y.p.o.r.g.a.n.i.s.m. ASCII-O-Matic, via dailywebthing linkport
Not very catlike portraits, are they? But mildly interesting. This one, from the site, is better:
More ASCII Cats (click images to go to originating sites for lots more):
On to the weekly roundup -- but first, a little Friday the 13th notice:
That's right, folks -- lots of time to plan that spooky, yowly post. Never fear, I'll remind you again. In the meantime, don't forget to visit:
Friday Ark
I and the Bird
Carnival of the Cats
Carnival of the Dogs
Circus of the Spineless
Weekend Dog Blogging
Weekend Cat Blogging
Those spitting Halloween cats are courtesy of Ron & Joe, via Ample Sanity.